Carrier Guidance Life skills Training and Job opportunity.
Career guidance, life skills training and job opportunity for young people with cognitive disabilities are best placed to make decisions that will impact their own lives. Historically, children with disabilities have too often been defined or judged by what they lack rather than their potentiality. We are able to empower young people with disabilities by including them in our decision making through talent identification and development. This includes participating in and leading in the design, delivery and monitoring of our programmatic work to ensure they are best suited to young people to be potential and useful in the society.
Connects Autism Tanzania’s mission is, and has always been, to support people living with Autism and co-occurring conditions through capacity building, advocacy, community awareness and developing opportunities for success. We are gratefully to start carrier guidance, Life skills Training at CAT office where we identified and develops talents of youth with Autism and other co-occurring condition according to ability and interest to be self-independent. CAT connect youth to Vocational training for more skills and practical work with the tension to empower those youth with Autism and cognitive disabilities who completed the basic education from the unit and centers but lack enough knowledge and skills to be productive member in the society.
We are grateful for the two years Success on the Carrier guidance program as we identified youth talents and develop according to ability and interest. Through a partnership with Government and other stakeholders we have been able to:
- Connect youth with Autism and cognitive challenges to Government vocational training center.
- Started home setting program for 10 families to access economic development.
- Connect youth to stakeholders working as volunteers to develop their career and few employed.
- Reduce stigmatization to those having employment in the community as they contribute family income through employment.