Be a part of the team
Our volunteers play an important role in our projects, providing much-needed support and assistance to children and youth with Autism and other co-occurring condition.

Connects Autism Tanzania looking for the following expertise and skills:
- Assistant in early education in special education unit
- Participate in home setting programs with youth with special need
- Assistant in boosting our social media platform
- Assistant in fund raising and proposal writing
- Participate in intercultural and life skills
- Speech therapy
- Special education teacher
- Business oriented
About volunteering /internship with Connects Autism Tanzania
- As a volunteer you are responsible for your own welfare.
- We love volunteers with a minimum commitment of 2weeks to 6 months. This is to ensure continuity and consistency in our work and in dealing with Connects Autism Youth.
- C.A.T do not offer accommodation on site as we do not have the space! Depending on your taste, requirements, length of time and budget, there are a variety of options available in Arusha. These range from shared housing, apartments, small lodges and hostels.
- There are effectively no landline phones in Tanzania but mobile phones are widespread. Bring an unlocked phone and purchase a local SIM card for around 2,000 TZS – pay-as-you-go is the best bet.
- We politely request that you do not take photos of people / houses / communities without asking for permission.
- Working during the weekends at C.A.T is not mandatory. You are welcome to take trips of several days if you coordinate this with your C.AT manager in advance. In general, you should interrupt your work/ volunteering as little as possible and plan longer trips before or after the end of your project.
- We suggest a minimum budget of $500 USD per month if you are living off-site, for housing alone, to be able to afford secure accommodation. You have to take care using credit cards as there have been incidences of credit card fraud even at the major airports. Travellers Cheques are not recommended as they are not accepted widely and can be difficult to change.
- During your first few days at C.A.T we suggest you just get to know us, get to know the staff and Autistic youth, sit in on some classes etc. You will meet with management early on to go through the contract and volunteer policy. If you would like, we can arrange one of our team to take you into town, catch a local bus and show you the shops and help you get a SIM card.
- It is C.A.T policy that you have full medical insurance before arriving into Tanzania.
- Motivation, creativity and the willingness to engage in a completely new culture and way of life are much more important than certain.
We are happy to answer any further questions you may have.